Accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission
Accredited Fully (ACCF)
Hybrid Learning

For the 2024-2025 school year, New Generation Academy will utilize a hybrid model for class meetings.
In a hybrid model students will have classes twice per week:
meeting face to face on campus for classes on Tuesdays and meeting virtually via Zoom on Thursdays.
Utilizing video conference options weekly, students will continue to learn in all classes.
With this option, we remain dedicated to providing a solid educational experience to our
students during the 2024-2025 school year, while maintaining our goal to develop
a plan that is safe and reasonable for our families.
* Hybrid Classes
Live classes allow for continued teacher-to-student and student-to-student connections
Hybrid classes lend well to group hands on projects and lab work
Hybrid classes also provide opportunities for on-site visits from professionals in core classes
Teachers will be able to observe and assess student progress more effectively
Students will be able to utilize both days to ask questions in real time
* Assignments
Teachers will post assignments and grades through Thinkwave, our grading system
Teachers can utilize on campus days for peer evaluations and class projects
Students will be able to submit assignments during on-campus meeting days,
as well as through Thinkwave