Accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission
Accredited Fully (ACCF)

2024 - 2025
Parent/Student Orientation - Tuesday, August 27th
Classes Begin - Tuesday, September 3rd
Thank you so much for your interest in New Generation Academy (NGA).
We are a community of Christian teaching homes who work together to educate our children. Our families have resided in various Metro Atlanta counties; including Fayette, Clayton, Coweta, Fulton, DeKalb, and Henry counties.
We are excited about the 2024- 2025 school year!
Phase I Registration began on April 15th and ended on May 31st.
Registration fees: for returning families is $30 / for new families is $60.
Non-refundable Registration fees: for returning families is $60 / for new families is $75.
Deadline for regular registration is Friday, August 04, 2024.
Late Registration begins Saturday, August 10, 2024.
The non-refundable registration fee for all families is $125
Deadline for late registration is Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
For the 2024-2025 school year, NGA will follow a hybrid model for learning.
This year, students will meet for classes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For the hybrid model, students will meet for classes on Tuesdays at the co-op and via Zoom on Thursdays.
Students use Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to work on homework and projects assigned by their teachers.
Click here for more details on Hybrid Learning.
Getting Started
We are always looking for like-minded families to join us so if you:
… want to be part of an accredited program that has classes for all your children through high school
… want a program that offers subjects like math, science, grammar, literature, history, and foreign language
... want to provide an opportunity for your children to interact and learn with other students in a caring environment
… want to be part of a program where graduates go on to apply and be accepted to many institutions like Spelman College, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Oglethorpe University, Florida State, and University of North Carolina (to name a few)
To join our co-op family ...
1. Q & A Session: The first step in the Enrollment Process is a Q &A session. In lieu of our usual Open House events, families are encouraged to contact us to schedule a Q & A Session to speak with members of our leadership team. Interested families may contact us here.
For additional info, please download our Prospective Families Information Packet here
2. Attend a campus tour: During the registration process, NGA will conduct campus tours for interested families who have completed a Q & A session and who are interested in finding out more. After completing the Q & A session, interested families should schedule a one-on-one campus tour to see facility and classrooms.
3. Complete the online registration form: During the campus tour, the link and instructions for completing the online registration form will be provided. Parents can register all children easily with one application.
** Please note: Families who have spoken to our director and wish to register without completing a campus tour may complete the online registration form by clicking here. (UPDATED)
4. Submit HS transcript: Families with students who have completed some high school courses should submit a copy of their child’s high school report card or transcript (if applicable). Students who previously attended an accredited organization should have the organization mail or email the document directly to the school. Families desiring transcript services will require completion of a verification discussions for previous courses. Course inclusion on high school transcript for previous courses is not guaranteed.
5. For new families, after registration, someone from our leadership team will contact you in regards to your registration. Discussion will include student assessment, particularly for math and language arts placement.
6. After registration, families will receive a school calendar, a class schedule, and a curriculum list, which contains information about the books and supplies needed for each class. Spring and summer are great
times to shop for sales and specials on book purchases. Families dealing with food allergies will also
receive an allergy information form.
7. For Tier II or Tier III families, someone from our leadership team will contact you to discuss your teaching assignment(s). Parents are encouraged to teach to their expertise or experience - depending on the class needs of the co-op.
8. If needed, families should also complete the Declaration of Intent on the Georgia Department of Education’s website. All homeschool families should submit this information yearly. Click here to access the form.
9. Parent/Student Orientation takes place each school year in August. For the meeting, parents are encouraged to gather important documents for submission. Parents should plan to bring a copy of their Declaration of Intent, previous school report cards (if applicable), Immunization Certificate or religious exemption letter, and completed co-op forms, such as the allergy information form. A complete list of the required co-op forms will be provided after registration.
10. Mark other important dates on your calendar, including the first day of school and payment due dates. See our Prospective Families page for a list of upcoming dates.
11. Enjoy the rest of the school year !!!!
Welcome to the NGA Family

For questions or comments, please contact us here.